Font Member List

This is the complete list of members for Font, including all inherited members.

AcquirePointer()Counted [inline]
AddObjectRef(Ref< Referenced > *)Referenced [inline]
char_sizeFont [protected]
Counted()Counted [inline]
data_fileResource [protected]
Deserialize(Serializer &serializer, bool first)Root [protected, virtual]
Dispatch(Cmd *)Object
file_nameResource [protected]
Find(const string &path)Root [inline]
Font(const char *id)Font
GetBack() const List< Root >
GetCharsize() const Font [inline]
GetClass() const Object [inline]
GetCmdProtos(HashList *)Object
GetData() const ListNode< Root >
GetDataFile() const Resource [inline]
GetDataSize()Resource [virtual]
GetFileName() const Resource [inline]
GetFront() const List< Root >
GetGlyphsCount() const Font [inline]
GetGroupName()Object [protected, virtual]
GetHeight() const Font [inline]
GetID()Root [inline]
GetInstanceSize() const Object [virtual]
GetNext() const ListNode< Root >
GetParent() const TreeNode< Root >
GetPrev() const ListNode< Root >
GetRefs()Referenced [inline]
GetTreeSize() const Root
GetType() const Resource [inline]
GetUniqueId() const Resource [inline]
glyphs_countFont [protected]
heightFont [protected]
idRoot [protected]
InsertAfter(Root *prev)ListNode< Root >
InsertBefore(Root *next)ListNode< Root >
InvalidateAllRefs()Referenced [protected]
IsA(const Class *) const Object [inline]
IsA(const char *) const Object
IsEmpty() const List< Root >
IsInstanceOf(const Class *) const Object [inline]
IsLinked() const ListNode< Root >
IsLoaded() const Resource [inline]
kernel_serverObject [protected]
List()List< Root >
ListNode(void *pdata=NULL)ListNode< Root >
loadedResource [protected]
LoadResource()Resource [protected, virtual]
Lock() const Root [inline]
LockCounted()Counted [inline, protected, static]
LogTree(const string &indent) const Root
mutexRoot [mutable, protected]
my_classObject [protected]
Object(const char *name)Object
PopBack()List< Root >
PopFront()List< Root >
Print(const string &text) const Font [virtual]
PushBack(Root *node)List< Root >
PushFront(Root *node)List< Root >
refListReferenced [protected]
Release()Counted [inline, virtual]
RemObjectRef(Ref< Referenced > *)Referenced [inline]
Remove()ListNode< Root >
RES_ALL enum valueResource
RES_ANIMATION enum valueResource
RES_COUNT enum valueResource
RES_FONT enum valueResource
RES_INVALID enum valueResource
RES_MESH enum valueResource
RES_MODEL enum valueResource
RES_OTHER enum valueResource
res_serverResource [protected]
RES_SOUND enum valueResource
RES_SOUND_RESOURCE enum valueResource
RES_TEXTURE enum valueResource
Resource(const char *id)Resource
Root(const char *id)Root
SendMessage(BaseMessage *message, Root *destination, double delay=0.0)Root [protected]
Serialize(Serializer &serializer)Root [protected, virtual]
SetCharSize(const FontFile::CharSize &char_size)Font [inline]
SetClass(Class *)Object [inline, protected]
SetData(void *data)ListNode< Root >
SetDataFile(DataFile *data_file)Resource [inline]
SetFileName(const string &file_name)Resource [inline]
SetID(const string &id)Root [inline]
SetShadow(ushort_t x, ushort_t y, byte_t alpha=255)Font [inline]
shadow_alphaFont [protected]
shadow_xFont [protected]
shadow_yFont [protected]
Sort(bool backward=false)Root
TestType(Type t) const Resource [inline]
TreeNode()TreeNode< Root >
typeResource [protected]
Type enum nameResource
unique_idResource [protected]
UnloadResource()Resource [protected, virtual]
Unlock() const Root [inline]
UnlockCounted()Counted [inline, protected, static]
~Counted()Counted [inline, protected, virtual]
~Font()Font [virtual]
~List()List< Root > [virtual]
~ListNode()ListNode< Root > [virtual]
~Object()Object [protected, virtual]
~Referenced()Referenced [virtual]
~Resource()Resource [virtual]
~Root()Root [protected, virtual]
~Serialized()Serialized [virtual]

Generated on Sat Oct 20 14:47:31 2007 for Dark Oberon by  doxygen 1.5.3